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Learn how Clinc's conversational AI technology in banking has been successful in driving exceptional customer experiences that build loyalty and generate ROI.


Clinc is a leading brand in the field of conversational AI technology for banking. Their innovative AI technology has been widely recognized for driving exceptional customer experiences and generating high returns on investment. By harnessing the power of natural language processing, Clinc's technology truly understands how people communicate, enabling banks to connect with their customers on a human level. With Clinc's conversational AI, customers can effortlessly perform various banking tasks such as checking balances, reporting lost or stolen cards, transferring funds, and gaining deep insights into their spending habits - all through a seamless and personalized interaction, without the need to speak to a human agent. Clinc's technology offers rapid customer adoption, flexible deployment options (cloud and on-premise), and seamless integration with existing systems. It is language agnostic, making it suitable for use with any language. Additionally, Clinc's AI-powered virtual assistants help reduce reliance on live agents, improve customer satisfaction, decrease churn rates, and minimize operational costs. The success of Clinc's conversational AI technology is demonstrated by their impressive customer satisfaction rate of 82% and a containment rate of 90% - where customers get their questions answered without support from live agents. Major banks such as Isbank and Maxi have already deployed Clinc's technology to millions of users, achieving remarkable results within a short period. When you partner with Clinc, you're in good company, joining the ranks of banks that have embraced the most robust AI technology available. Discover the potential of Clinc's conversational AI today and revolutionize your banking customer experience.

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